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Marta Bochyńska-Czyż, MSc
Quality Control Manager

Marta Bochyńska-Czyż studied biotechnology at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. She gained her laboratory experience through participation in an international internship - the Leonardo da Vinci program. Subsequently, she worked as Research Assistant at a laboratory of the Institute of Immunology and Thymus Research in Germany, where she was responsible for i.a. isolation and culture of the adult peripheral blood stem cells.

In 2010-2017 she worked at the Neuropeptide Department of Mossakowski Institute at Polish Academy of Science, where she was mainly providing cell cultures on 3D scaffolds. Moreover, she was responsible for making assays to obtain the cytotoxicity effect of the new anti-cancer and analgesic compounds and the potential toxicity of the redox-active nanomaterials for the possibility of application in therapies of various diseases.

Marta Bochyńska-Czyż joined the Laboratory for Cell Research and Application in 2018 as a biotechnologist.

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